GRI Reporting

The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards have been the most widely used sustainability reporting framework for the last 25 years. As the official reporting standard of the UN Global Compact, the GRI standards offer the most comprehensive suite of corporate sustainability and sector standards. However, navigating the many GRI standards can be difficult. Our SCS Consulting experts support companies to integrate GRI standards into their reporting efforts, as well as improve reporting outcomes.

How SCS Helps to Carry out a Robust GRI Reporting Process

SCS Consulting offers a turnkey GRI Reporting service that helps organizations meet the requirements of the GRI Standards and provide accurate, comparable, and high-quality information. Our multi-step process includes: 

  • Understand the specific GRI standards that may apply to your company and determine the optimal level of reporting
  • Understand alignment with any other ESG reporting framework utilized, such as SASB or TCFD, or Sustainable Development Goals
  • Map your current sustainability goals and initiatives to GRI standards and requirements
  • Identify the sustainability KPIs and metrics for reporting and data management gaps and opportunities
  • Develop the content index to support disclosures and client navigation
  • Develop ‘assurance ready’ economic, environmental, and social report content that is verifiable and can successfully showcase your company’s ESG accomplishments
  • Communicate your sustainability accomplishments with stakeholders, investors, and the public
  • Leverage reporting outcomes to inform further development of your ESG strategy and set corporate priorities

Materiality and the GRI Reporting Process

The GRI Principle for Materiality establishes the responsibility of the reporting organization’s management to determine ‘material’ – or relevant – topics, which could influence the decision-making of stakeholders with respect to the reporting company. This is carried out through a materiality assessment, which occurs in advance of the GRI reporting process and can solely follow GRI’s Impact materiality assessment best practices, or could be combined with financial materiality assessment, also known as double materiality.

For first-time reporters, we recommend carrying out a materiality assessment in front of starting the reporting process. Click here to learn more.

Why Choose SCS Consulting?

Leveraging nearly 40 years of science-based sustainability know-how and industry insights across all ESG reporting topics, SCS continually showcases its leadership as an industry expert within the global economy. With deep knowledge of most major sustainability standards and reporting frameworks, our team of dedicated sustainability experts has prepared both simple and complex ESG reports that meet the highest standards of excellence. Working with large, global corporations and smaller startups and businesses, SCS consulting has garnered a reputation of being a trusted, strategic partner/collaborator and corporate sustainability expert.

Get in Touch with SCS today!
